Thursday, September 9, 2021

 Draconic taur body release

Its one of the biggest projects so far and my first worries with this creation was making animations, I know how to do very basic things but I don't have as much experience as modelling but its something I wanted to do eventually. Instead of actually setting up IK restraints so the feet do not go past the ground I just keyframed that, odd decision I know. 

I am going to talk about shapes now. With any quad avatar making the leg length longer always seems to result in the back and front being off in length. My first counter to this was to stretch the geometry longer while keeping the same skeleton so animations would go untouched, this resulted in some bad deformations for the back feet "spaghettifying". Today I decided to scrap that and just move the bones, exporting the animations with these new positions and uploading to SL again.

This was the first method mentioned with its issues.

This is the second method fix.

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